PNNL-WSU DGRP Advisor Applications for Fall 2023 Cohort due February 13, 2023

The WSU Office of Research, the WSU Graduate School, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) recently announced the call for applications for the seventh cohort of the Distinguished Graduate Research Program (DGRP). Incoming students are nominated jointly by a WSU faculty and a PNNL scientist.

Interested co-advisors from WSU and PNNL should submit a joint-DGRP application online by the deadline of February 13, 2023 for consideration. 

The DGRP is intended to increase the quality and quantity of STEM doctoral students across the WSU system, while providing an enhanced research experience by aligning WSU faculty, students, and PNNL scientists with the unique capabilities and research programs at PNNL. Students in the DGRP are funded by their WSU and PNNL advisors, not by the DGRP.

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