WSU-PNNL Joint Appointment Program

Fostering collaboration to advance research opportunities

WSU and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have successfully established a relationship and increased the number of joint appointments between the two institutions.

PNNL Joint Appointment Primer

WSU-PNNL 2008 Joint Appointment Agreement and Amendment

WSU-PNNL Inter-Institutional Agreement Regarding Management of Intellectual Property

WSU and PNNL Collaboration Guidance Document

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Program benefits

Increased funding opportunities
More opportunity to submit proposals and seek funding sources for joint research—sources not available to the parties individually

New and diverse research experience
Enrichment of existing programs by introducing greater array of expertise

Collaboration opportunities
Increased opportunities for collegial collaboration and multidisciplinary research

Access to graduate students
Both as interns and as thesis students

Strategic commitment
Long-term, enduring commitment for collaboration between strategic partners

Advanced training
Training for graduate students and post-docs at a National Laboratory with unique capabilities

Access to unique resources
Both in terms of instrumentation and unique multidisciplinary teams

Opportunities for new funded programs
By broadening research capabilities

How the program works

Employee affiliation
The joint appointee remains the employee of the home institution, and the labor is “shared.”

Compensation arrangements
An appropriate (agreed upon) percentage of salary and fringe benefits is passed between the institutions. There are no other overheads. This aligns with the concept of “shared labor.”

Establishing appointments
Appointments are established by an offer to the prospective candidate that is jointly signed by the research officers. Upon acceptance there would be specific agreements between the institutions for each joint appointee, covering the agreed upon split of salary and fringe benefits and the methodology for tracking and billing for those costs.

Title and responsibilities
Each joint appointee would have an appropriate title and responsibilities commensurate with their level and title with their home employer. For example, Battelle staff under joint appointments with the University would work with the unit to determine an acceptable working title, preferably “Battelle or PNNL Faculty.” Similarly, appointees to PNNL from the University would carry an appropriate PNNL title.

Joint representation of affiliation
A joint appointment program aims to benefit both institutions. Therefore, joint appointees represent themselves as affiliated with both institutions in all publications that benefited from collaborations with or resources and expertise from their host institution, thus enhancing the visibility and reputation of both institutions as they build their own.

Intellectual property ownership
Any intellectual property developed by an appointee while working under a joint appointment is jointly owned by the institutions, unless the work is part of a project with a third party and contains intellectual property commitments. Those commitments will be honored.

Establishing a Joint Appointment

Please contact for additional information if you are interested in establishing a joint appointment between WSU and PNNL.

Please click here for Joint Appointment Resources
Note: Requires WSU Login 


Programmatic details
Jonathan Male

Operational details
ONLP Office