DGRP Application Form

2025 DGRP Application Form Coming Soon

Required Documents

1. Research Statement

Please attach a two-page PDF (11-point font and 1” margins) that contains the following information:

  • A statement outlining the nature of collaborative research between the WSU faculty and PNNL scientist.
  • The specific student project within this collaborative research.
  • An outline of plans to ensure that student research conducted at PNNL will be directly associated with the student’s dissertation.

2. WSU Faculty Advisor Letter of Intent

Please attach a signed letter of intent from the WSU Advisor to mentor a student that includes the following information:

  • The source of funding that will be used to support the student (e.g. college RA, departmental RA or TA, faculty startup, or grant) before ABD.
  • Intent to collaborate with PNNL scientist partner to recruit a graduate student for research topic of mutual interest
  • A statement that the WSU Advisor will coordinate with the PNNL Advisor and the student and in sufficient time to establish the student’s date of arrival at PNNL and ensure a smooth transition to PNNL.
  • A summary of the attributes and experiences of the student candidate desired by the advisors to help them be successful in this research collaboration and topic of interest.

3. PNNL Scientist Advisor Letter of Intent

Please attach a signed letter of intent from the PNNL Advisor to mentor a student in collaboration with the WSU advisor that includes the following information:

  • Intent to collaborate with WSU faculty partner to recruit a graduate student for the research topic of mutual interest.
  • A statement that confirms the PNNL Advisor’s intent to cover the monthly stipend and benefits, with indirect costs, from projects, during the student candidate’s dissertation research at PNNL for up to 2 years.
  • A statement that the PNNL Advisor will coordinate with the WSU faculty partner and the student and in sufficient time to establish the student’s date of arrival at PNNL and ensure a smooth transition to PNNL.
  • A statement that an agreement to fund the student will be provided to WSU at least 6 weeks in advance of the student’s scheduled arrival at PNNL.
  • Acknowledgement that a separate letter of funding intent to support the student at PNNL during the All But Dissertation (ABD) phase, signed by the PNNL Advisor and endorsed by the cognizant PNNL Division Director or Associate Laboratory Director, will be provided upon request to the PNNL Office of Research Partnerships during the review of the application.