
Jake Baumgartner

Affiliation: AGI & ESIC (Energy Systems Innovation Center – WSU)

Role: Marketing & Promotions Coordinator

Highlight with AGI: “Refreshing and renewing the marketing efforts for AGI to reach new audiences”

What are you looking forward to within your organization/AGI? “I am looking forward to building a strong communications arm for the organization”

What is a fun fact about yourself? “My favorite movie is ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel'”

Jeannine Burke

Affiliation: ESIC

Role: ESIC Manager and assists the AGI/ESIC Marketing/Promotions Coordinator

Highlight with AGI: “The teamwork approach between not only WSU and PNNL but the inclusion of industry.”

What are you looking forward to within your organization? “See the outcomes of these collaboration in the form of awards and meaningful advances to the power grid.”

“I have enjoyed working with the AGI Co-Directors and staff as we prepare for each AGI Day. This is a great team!”

What is a fun fact about yourself? “I am a CRAZY grandma!!!!! But I think everyone knows that, lol!”

Alicia Kennedy

Affiliation: PNNL

Role: “PNNL Administrator supporting AGI”

Highlight with AGI: Networking with WSU and industry partners, it has given me a deeper understanding of AGI’s mission.”

What is a fun fact about yourself? “Favorite color: I am a Seattle native; I love the yellow sun! Favorite movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

Jesenia Hernandez

Affiliation: PNNL

Role: Communications Professional at PNNL supporting joint institute communications

Highlight with AGI: “It has been exciting to see a diverse group of experts come together and collaborate on the important and timely issue of advancing the electric grid”

What are you looking forward to within your organization/AGI? “I am looking forward to communicating science to a broad audience to highlight and share science impact”

What is a fun fact about yourself? “I love to read! I will always appreciate a good thriller/suspense book recommendation!”